Mar 03, 2025
PUBLISHED 2018-2019 Credit Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ECON 305 - Macroeconomics Course Description Macroeconomics introduces you to the operation of the Canadian economy. You will apply economic principles to analyze a national economy. Topics include measuring and analyzing demand and supply, economic performance, and unemployment and inflation; As well, government fiscal, trade, and monetary policies are explored.
3 credits
Additional Requisite Information:
- Required Materials - A textbook is required for this course. Please refer to current booklist on the SAIT Bookstore website (http://bookstore.sait.ca).
- Software Requirements
- Microsoft Office 2007 or higher, and
- One of:
- Internet Explorer,
- Mozilla Firefox, or
- Google Chrome.
- Important Notes:
- You begin on the listed start date. Your end date is based on the length of the course. You are required to meet any assessment deadlines set by the instructor.
- One two-month course extension may be purchased up to two business days prior to your course end date.
- For more information about online learning, contact distance.education@sait.ca.
Equivalent Course(s): © 2015-2018, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). All Rights Reserved.