PUBLISHED 2020-2021 Non-credit Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
COMN 102 - Language Training for Apprentices Course Description: This course will provide increased English language skills for first and second year trades apprentices. It is based on the descriptors and performance indicators of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 6 and Essential Skills (ES) levels 1 and 2. While the CLBs guide the course outcomes and objectives, the tasks performed will reflect those described as ES for trades in the Canadian workplace. Four broad areas of competency provide the framework for building intermediate reading, writing, listening and speaking skills: 1) Interacting with others; 2) Comprehending instructions and reproducing information; 3) Getting things done; and 4) Comprehending and sharing information. Topics and tasks are contextualized within Canadian trades settings. Graduates will be able to challenge the Canadian Language Benchmark level 6 and Essential Skill levels 1 and 2, improve their success in apprenticeship exams and develop appropriate communication skills to succeed in English-speaking, multicultural workplace settings.
0 credits
Prerequisite(s): Required Materials Students need to be registered apprentices to take this course. Technical Requirements Students need to be registered apprentices to take this course.
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