PUBLISHED 2020-2021 Non-credit Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
LDSH 164 - Ethical Leadership Course Description: Ethics, the principles or standards of human conduct, are often defined as simply “actions based on a concept of what is right.” However, what may be ethical - the right action - in one situation or culture may be deemed unethical in another. The question of an action’s ethical basis is much larger than simply determining if it is legal or not, and this unit provides you with readings that give examples of such dilemmas and explore the complexity of ethical decision making. Perhaps the most difficult task for any leader is deciding on a course of action when there are many ethical choices.
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Required Materials Books and Supplies (Subject to Change)Books and supplies are approximately $75.00 for the program. © 2015 - 2020, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). All Rights Reserved.