PUBLISHED 2020-2021 Credit Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
LAND 213 - Contract Documentation Course Description: This course covers the various joint venture agreements created and administered by the Land Department. Some of the Agreements covered include Joint Operating Agreements, Farmin/Farmout Agreements, Option Agreements, Pooling Agreements, Royalty Agreements, Notice of Assignment and so on. Also covered are various industry procedures such as CAPL Operating Procedure, Farmout and Royalty Procedure and Assignment Procedure. Exercises and Assignments relate to contract review and interpretation.
3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Required Materials CONTINUING EDUCATION CALENDAR
CLASSROOM STUDENTS All students are asked to please ensure you provide your email address when registering. * Internet access is required to access the course and to complete Assignments and Tests. * Online content is included, only for the duration of your course. * Printed material should be purchased at the (SAIT BOOKSTORE) for this course. MB107For more information about this course, please call 403-284-8451.
DISTANCE STUDENTS All students are asked to please ensure you provide your email address when registering. * Internet access is required to access the course and to complete Assignments and Tests. * Online content is included, only for the duration of your course. * Printed material should be ordered through the (SAIT BOOKSTORE) for this course. * You will be supported by an online Facilitator. For more information about this course, please call 403-284-8537.
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