PUBLISHED 2020-2021 Credit Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
LAND 240 - Surface Land Practices Course Description: Introduces the structure of a typical Surface Land Department; land titles and Crown land record systems; survey systems; Directive 56 and its implications; third-party agreements, surface leases and right-of-way agreements; functions of the Surface Rights Board; components of surface land administration associated with acquisitions and divestitures and asset management.
3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Required Materials CONTINUING EDUCATION CALENDAR
CLASSROOM STUDENTS All students are asked to please ensure you provide your email address when registering. * Internet access is required to access the course and to complete Assignments and Tests. * Online content is included, only for the duration of your course. * Printed material can be purchased at the (SAIT BOOKSTORE).For more information about this course, please call 403-284-8451.
DISTANCE STUDENTS All students are asked to please ensure you provide your email address when registering. * Internet access is required to access the course and to complete Assignments and Tests. * Online content is included, only for the duration of your course. * Printed material can be ordered through the (SAIT BOOKSTORE). * You will be supported by an online Facilitator. For more information about this course, please call 403-284-8537.
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