Feb 09, 2025
PUBLISHED 2023-2024 Credit Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ACWE 500 - Directed Field Studies - Accounting I Course Description: In this course, students will synthesize the academic learning acquired over the course of their Bachelor of Applied Business Administration (Accounting) degree program with hands on experience in industry. Its purpose is to provide you with an opportunity to apply the skills and theory that you have acquired from your previous classes and to learn more about the strategy of your current organization and the dynamic forces of the industry in which it competes. Additionally, this course will focus on competencies that combine critical underlying knowledge with the skills and professional values deemed essential for professional accountants. Students are responsible for securing their own employment, which must be approved by the Academic Chair.
15 Credits
Prerequisite(s): 4 courses from the following list:
- ACCT 411
- ACCT 413
- ACCT 415
- ACCT 416
- ACCT 420
- ACCT 434
- ACCT 480
- ACCT 491
- ACCT 495
- BFIN 492
- One of:
- One of:
- One of:
- One of:
- One of: